15 Years Of Muti: Breakbeat
by Dov1, Hypha, Timonkey, FreQ Nasty, Kraddy, Great Scott, ill.Gates, An-ten-nae
15 Years Of Muti is a compilation series celebrating our 15th Year as a record label, and the artists and music that got us here. Muti Music has been a part of the evolution of many sub-genres of Bass Music, and the launch or continuation of more than 100 artists careers, even helping build up a few notable names along the way. First up in the compilation series is the genre that Muti Music initially established a names for itself in, Breakbeat. With 30 tunes of bass music, the compilation respresents a broad spectrum of Breakbeat sub-genres, Nuskool, Tear-out, Funky, Electro Bass, and even some experimental plays on 2-Step. We hope you enjoy and thanks for there continuing support.