Postwavefuturecore Remixed
by Dov1, Hypha, Love & Light, Great Scott, Psymbionic, Knight Riderz
Psymbionic has never one to shy away from pushing musical boundaries, his 'Post/Wave/Future/Core' EP in January spanned many of the -step, future-, and -hop genres that the electronic music community has embraced. This Post/Wave/Future/Core Remix EP delves even further into variety with remixes ranging from dubbed out 2-Step and Future-Garage to Dubstep, Trap, Drum & Bass, Glitch Hop and even blurring the lines between. Love and Light set a futuristic soundscape with an understated psi-fi excursion into Dubstep realms, the mood picks up quickly after that with Samples crunching bits with a glitchy banger take on the tune 'Inertia'. On the deeper side Aligning Minds provides lushed out landscapes of dubby atmosphere set to rhythmic urban beats. Knight Riderz then pound out a Trap slammer that has already proven to get dancefloors bouncing. Dov then comes in with a Drum & Bass version of 'Apex' with reworked horns utilizing dancehall influences and then dropping into an epic wobbly bassline drop. Hypha rounds things off with a gorgeous tune that goes even further 'out there' with a tune or what could also fall into 'Future-Bass' , 'Slowfast' or 'Juke' genre descriptions. All in all a thorough journey through some of Bass Musics sub-genres.