The Bloom Series Vol 1 : Fundamental Frequencies
by David Starfire, Love & Light, JPOD
THE BLOOM illuminates the cultural renaissance currently blossoming through the phenomenon of Transformational Festivals, immersive participatory realities which are spreading globally and having profound life-changing effects on hundreds of thousands of lives. This emerging movement represents a true story of genuine hope and inspiration for our times--a new blooming of human consciousness awakening through creativity, love and joy, and that is pointing the way to a bright and promising future. The Bloom Series and Muti Music are proud to present the sound track to Episode 1: Fundamental Frequencies. Many Thanks to our Sponsors without whom this project would not be possible: FlowToys, Electrofur, Coconut Bliss, Dr Bronner's Magic "All One", North Atlantic Books, PK Sound, Lucidity Festival, Rootwire Festival, TourHUB, Third Eye Pinecones, Reclaiming Balance, Beloved Festival, Water Woman Festival, Inshala Festival, Billion Jelly Bloom, Oasis Express, Blaine Dowdle, Solsara, Roadz Less Traveled, Tala Creative, Juicy Hoops, Onanya, & Andrew Larsen For More Information Please Visit: