+Verb – Cough
by ill-esha, Stephan Jacobs, Sugarpill
“Giant robot laser battles; tender mechanized love-making; the blinking blips and bleeps of artificial intelligence communications: these are the computerized moods that will wash over you in the most calculated of ways.” +verb (pronounced “Adverb” by humans) is a new blog favorite in the genre of bass. Recently featured on Soundcloud’s “What’s Hot” list for a collaboration with Stephan Jacobs, the world is anxiously preparing for an invasion of his robotic army. With forthcoming releases on Vermin Street and Simplify Recordings and hot on the heals of his recent EP on Car Crash Set and a stellar remix of Starkey on Civil Music, +Verb now delivers a melodic glitched out chill track ‘Cough’ which then get’s remixed by some of the hottest folks in the ‘glitch’ scene right now.