Iterate – Buffer
by Iterate
If you’ve ever been a fan of Andreilien or Heyoka, then you are familiar with the quirky genius of Andrei Olenev, if not, then you are most definitely in for a special treat. He shifted his production DAW to Bitwig, built some incredibly complex regenerative sound generators and sampling blocks and changed his production moniker to Iterate. He has an almost cult like following of fans who love his glitched out bass driven beats and people who love fractals. His unique form of genius comes to light strongly on his latest productions. The bass is strong the tempos range from Halftime DnB to swanky chilled out grooves to rolling breakbeats. We are ecstatic to finally be releasing these tunes and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do. This new EP is a teaser for his forthcoming album, Seed, that will be dropping in January 2023.