MiMOSA & DMVU – Purple Stuff
by Mimosa
Purple Stuff is what happens when two collaborators compliment each others styles while finding a strong common ground in their roots. On this tune, DMVU and MiMOSA, bring swag and melody and the drop into thrashing heavy bass that thumps all the way back to riding that sweet melody once again. Top tune for the dance floor or headbanging as well as still feeling the vibe after the show in the car. MiMOSA has been a pioneer, a producer who breaks molds, always stepping up to the mark to make an impression and a significant impact on electronic music. He has already had standout tunes reach 10 million individual streams and is able to produce for the listener as much as for the dance floor. Mathew Jones, aka DMVU, is etching an indelible mark into the future of bass music. DMVU is meticulous in his sound design. His songs don't just evolve along melodic arcs. They drip with evocative and narrative environments that lead the listener along a path that is at once exciting and new, yet familiar and contemplative. There is a maturity about DMVU's tonal palettes that is typically reserved for the likes of Hans Zimmerman and other elite cinema composers. Read this great review on HeardItHereFirst.Blog https://hearditherefirst.blog/2021/11/04/mimosa-and-dmvu-purple-stuff/