Siren – Beautiful Doom
For the past 4 years Siren has been on hiatus working on staging and show production for the likes of Steve Angelo and Warp Tour, but this past winter he snuck in some time to get back to the studio and the result is Beautiful Doom. One of the first artists we ever heard drop a eDrumstep tune back in 2008, Siren has always been a lover of heavy hitting bass, with a background in metal and rock it seems fitting that at some point he would send us an EP of banging Dubstep. We are stoked to see Siren producing again and while he refers to Beautiful Doom as esome stuff that was sitting inside and just had to come out. We see a future of more diverse beats and lots more bass from this producer. Beautiful Doom hits hard from every angle, its not for the faint of heart and most definitely is much more on the side of Brosteppish vibes than we usually go, it is a cathartic rumble, at times quite destructive and others quite fun.